
Our Core Values

We are a fully integrated HSEQ system-based software package, specialising in compliance to ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 standards. Our system encompasses all aspects of HSE reporting and management, from pre-hire and site inductions through to people, risk, hazards, assets and incident management. We are the perfect end-to-end service provider.

– Business Compliance –
Ensuring that the business and its clients adhere to relevant regulations, standards, and best practices is crucial in HSEQ.

– Personnel Safety –
The safety of employees and clients is a core component of HSEQ, emphasizing the importance of protecting individuals from harm.

– Data Security –
Protecting sensitive data related to health, safety, environment, and quality is essential for maintaining trust and compliance with regulations.

– Commercial Integrity –
Upholding ethical standards and ensuring honest business practices supports the overall integrity and reliability of the business. Mission Statement At Inertia-Technology, we are dedicated to empowering businesses with innovative HSEQ software solutions that ensure business compliance, enhance personnel safety, safeguard data security, and uphold commercial integrity. Our mission is to support our clients in creating safer, more efficient, and ethically sound workplaces through cutting-edge technology and unwavering commitment to excellence.

3 Portals

Your HESQ users have full access whilst other users / staff have a dedicated portal to undertake tasks. Auditors have their own read only portal as well.

This structure helps you in many ways. Firstly the User Portal allows for unlimited numbers of users to interact with their sites, incidents, actions, training and documentation. Most of your staff, contractors & visitors will only ever log into this portal to do their inductions and daily tasks like pre-starts.

The Manager Portal is for the HSEQ stakeholders who have a full suite of features to work with, report on and processes to manage. Whilst the User Portal is ideal for collecting data in real time the workflow generally moves over to the HSEQ team to follow up on incidents, manage risk, update documentation and ensure compliance.

The Auditor Portal will save you money. Rather than the Auditor spending a week on site they can be furnished a report which is read only (but with the ability to make notes, ask questions and set activities) which means that the time spent on site in minimal. In reality they only have to check off the gaps and make recommendations during their site visit.

Ease of Use

OHIO – Only handle it once! Avoid any double handling. The same document/note can show up in many places With consistent screens and formats means that new users quickly “get it”.

Many systems suffer from having to do the same thing more than once. This can be uploading a document or making a note.

Inertia Technology bridges that gap by making the same single piece of data available to all of the related parts of the system.

This is an example of a note. Automatically the buttons are added to the related records. In this case the note is against the person called: “Piers Rowan” made by “Greg Smith”. The buttons are automatically added (or can be manually changed or removed if required).

  • Forestry – Head Office: This button links to the site record
  • A#4: This button links to the action/task that is related to the incident
  • I#10: This button links to the incident itself
  • Computer Desk: This button links to the asset involved in the incident

So the system automatically joins the dots for you in some ways or you can set them up manually if required. Using your web browser you can open each record up in a new tab and compare the breadth of the incident concurrently. All from one note in this example.

Forms in Seconds

Users can create forms in seconds and publish them to assets, people, sites, incidents, etc. New bit of gear? Here is your pre-start!

Our form builder allows you to create and import forms very quickly, minutes at the most.

Often from a safety perspective there new sites, projects, machinery, assets and risks to document. By making a form you can pin it to a type of record and then it can be used to store data right away.

Note this is a small form for readability, in production most forms have many lines and report columns

The basic process is:

  • Add you fields to a form template:
    • Text Field
    • Text Box (Long notes)
    • Dates
    • Numbers
    • Select / drop downs
    • Radio buttons
    • File uploads
    • Checkbox
    • Comment – eg: Instructions about a question or section of the form
    • Line – I line across the screen to separate sections of the form
  • The form generates a link that you add into the system against a record (Person, Asset, Action, Document, Risk, Site, Training, etc)
  • When a user completes the form it adds it to the report below (including links to documents that you have uploaded)

There are some great features about this process. Firstly anyone who can use a computer or tablet can use this form builder in minutes. Secondly there are some automated functions. If you add a field for “Follow Up” it automatically creates a task for your supervisor.

Imagine that – you are in head office in Sydney and a worker in the Pilbara fills out a form about wear to machinery and you get an email advising you of the issue and that you need to order parts and or maintenance in real time.

Document Everything

You can send emails via new messages or templates or add notes. Any change to the data is recorded in the activity log. No matter what you need to investigate you have the audit trail.

There are two parts to this. Firstly the automatic log. If you change “this” to “that” then there will be a log entry created saying “Piers Rowan changed the field “info” from “this” to “that” for Site Id #123″. There is no ability to edit it or change or delete it.

If you do anything to the data it is recorded. In the event of a serious investigation it will be apparent who did what with each record. This is to allow for functional audits and to dissuade users from making fraudulent changes to the data after the fact.

Secondly the email system allows for templates. Some are required system templates (which you can edit but not delete) and the rest are whatever you need them to be. These are great for inductions, welcome messages, circulars, etc.

If you send them via the system they are captured as a note so once again you have evidence that you sent out the appropriate documentation to the appropriate person from the system.

Training that makes sense

Our training system feeds into the qualification system. This works for formal and informal training. Your staff can complete training and inductions online for you to sign off on.

In some environments knowing a staff member’s qualifications is only relevant if it relates to their job. In other environments there are far more complex responsibilities required because it is not only the expiry of the qualification that needs to be tracked but each individual unit as well.

Core Principle – Training = Qualification

In Inertia Technology internal (company specific training, inductions, etc) and external (formally recognised training) are both added as training courses. In simple terms the employee completes the training via the user portal and uploads evidence and feedback.

This is sent to the person who set the training and they have to approve or reject the submission.

If they approve it then the course moves from the training tab to the qualification tab. From a data point of view they are the same thing but one is marked as incomplete and remains training until it is marked at complete and becomes referred to as a qualification.

Core Principle – Expiry

The system monitors both expiry of a qualification and of the units that it comprises of independently. The HESQ team has complete reporting and management over how qualifications exist in their framework.

This is a shot of a single person’s record showing the level detail involved. The middle qualification doesn’t have an expiry set but the units do and hence they are marked as so.

Risks, Incidents and Actions

Deeply woven into the system are stakeholders and workflows. Individuals have roles like assigned to, reviewer and stakeholder(s). Any activity is shared with the group and documented.

This is an example of the Incident Report. To be brief it has all of the normal functions of notes, documents and actions. In this case there are also people, assets, environmental data, reputational data and the ability to create an investigation from an incident.

One of the consistent workflows of Inertia Technology is that there are core concepts on records such as:

  • Assigned to – who is responsible for doing the task
  • Reviewer – who will sign off that the task/incident has been resolved
  • Stakeholders – A list of zero or more people who need to be kept informed.

To put that into practice here is an example:

  • Assigned to – Piers Rowan – the site supervisor at the Noosa bridge project site
  • Reviewer – Abigail Goe – The site Engineer who is responsible the entire project
  • Stakeholders:
    • Archie Blandowski – The State HSEQ Manager for Queensland (Brisbane)
    • David Hale – The State Safety Manager for Queensland (Brisbane)
    • Milla Leal – National General Manager Safety (Sydney)

This functionality spans many parts of the system. There are automated messages – eg: closing out an incident and manual ones that a user may choose to submit during the process of resolving an issue. In any case the message starts with the message the user wants to send and then attaches all of the relevant data about the record and a clickable link to it.

There you have it. In real time every person in the chain is updated and aware of where things are at with what is happening on the ground.